Why does willpower fail?

    Willpower fails because of one reason: It has to!

    Pleass let me explain. Willpower is "hardwired" into us as a powerful tool for VERY SHORT TERM CHANGES... like when we need to cram for an exam or rise to the occasion during a crisis. . Willpower gives us the motivation to hang in there... for a brief period of time.

    But, over the long term, willpower ALWAYS FAILS! Think of all the mega-rich celebs who destroy their lives on drugs or booze. Think of the millions of people who take anti-depressants to maintain a better mood.

    If willpower could work, there would be no alcoholics... no drug addicts... no smokers... and no unhappy people. We'd be able to force ourselves to "beat the habit" by willing our way to victory... but it doesn't work that way.

   Willpower may help us last a day, or two, or even a few months in rare cases, but our subsconscious mind keeps "pushing" the old behavior.

   Until finally, our willpower snaps. And then we feel bad. This regret we feel then makes us feel even worse, so we turn to smoking or food or drugs or whatever our habit is for comfort.

   And that's why willpower has always failed... and wil always fail.

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